Online Speech Therapy

– an Australia-wide telehealth service
Lauren Scott, online speech therapist, talking to a child on zoom.

Lauren Scott Speech Pathology

Remove the stress of appointments, with telehealth sessions from the comfort of your home

Online Speech therapy

Welcome to Lauren Scott Speech Pathology. They say it takes a village to raise a child, and Lauren considers it a privilege to be let into the village of the children she works with.

Lauren Scott uses her 20 years’ experience in paediatric speech pathology to provide online services to children Australia-wide. Living rurally or having a busy family life does not have to stop you from accessing effective speech pathology services for your child.

Every child receives tailored and evidence-based intervention in fun and interactive sessions, as well as teaching you how to best help your child at home. We have further information throughout the website on how telehealth speech pathology works.
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20 years of experience
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online services australia-wide
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tailored sessions

Lauren Scott Speech Pathology

Lauren Scott has worked in paediatric speech pathology since 2001. She loves working with children and enjoys watching their confidence grow as their speech and language skills develop.

Lauren worked for Queensland Health and the Queensland Department of Education before founding her own private practice in 2008. Since then she has run face-to-face clinics in multiple locations. The events of 2020 provided an opportunistic use of telehealth during lockdowns. Children continued to make progress and stay engaged, and services were largely uninterrupted.
Lauren Scott, online speech pathologist, holding bubbles in a garden.
Lauren is
about giving kids a voice.
This means helping kids to
Develop first words
Be understood
Understand what others are saying
Use AAC (augmentative and alternative communication – signing and symbols)
Make meaningful sentences and stories
Develop literacy skills
Understand and develop social skills
Speak fluently.
If your child has difficulty in any of these areas, Lauren Scott Speech Pathology would love the opportunity to help your child reach their full potential.
Already know what you want and are ready to book

with Lauren Scott Speech Pathology?

Lauren Scott, online speech therapist, sitting a desk with laptop.

Key Word Sign

Workshops are also available with Lauren Scott Speech Pathology.

If you would like to book a workshop for your workplace, or would like to attend a workshop, please complete the intake form.
Key Word Sign australia logoKey Word Sign Intake

Typical Development

The following resources show typical speech and language development from 12months through to 5 years of age.

This information may provide piece of mind that your child’s development is on track. Alternatively, it may confirm a suspicion that it is time to seek help.
speech pathology australia logoCommunication Milestones


Telehealth speech pathology sessions are a great way to get the help you need, wherever you are. It is particularly beneficial to those in remote communities, that struggle to find a speech pathologist within a close enough distance. 

What is it?

Everything that would happen in a face-to-face speech pathology session, happens online via the screen with Lauren Scott Speech Pathology. We play interactive games and share screens as well as use physical toys and games to keep sessions fun and motivating.

Families are welcome to access Lauren Scott Speech Pathology’s telehealth services while waiting for a face-to-face appointment in their local area.

What do I need?

You will need a reliable internet connection and either a computer or an iPad.

You will be emailed a link to connect for your session. Simply click the link to connect. No software downloads are required.

Why Telehealth?

As a mother of four children, Lauren understands the logistical challenges of daily life.

Using telehealth for your child’s speech pathology sessions works for you by:
Eliminating travel time.
Allowing you to focus on your child during their speech session, while siblings sleep or play in another space.
Focusing on parent training and coaching.
Having your child learn new skills in their home environment, which can help with generalisation of what they learn.
Having less cancellations due to illness in the family.

Will it work?

Lauren will work with you and your child to set them up for telehealth success. There are instances where some children make more progress via telehealth than in face-to-face sessions.

Lauren’s experience with telehealth has shown:
Most children like screens and are happy to interact via them.
The screen helps some children to focus.
Some children are more comfortable in their home environment and are better able to interact with others from their own home.
Parents are more confident doing homework activities as they help facilitate the therapy sessions.
Homework activities can simply be emailed to parents and activities are not dropped on the way to the car – oops!
However, there will never be a “one-size-fits-all” approach for anything that involves children! Be assured that Lauren will be completely open and honest if it appears that telehealth is not the best fit for your child. If you're interested in booking a session with Lauren Scott Speech Pathology, head to our New Clients page. 

Picture books

Young boy reading picture books to help with language development.
“Is there anything else I can do to help his/her speech and language development?”
Lauren has heard this question from parents continually over the last 20 years. This led Lauren to combine her love of picture books (and all they bring to children) with her speech pathology expertise.

Lauren has written a number of picture books that have speech and language skills embedded in them, which you will be modelling to your child as you read. This means you get all the benefits from shared reading time, plus the additional benefits from demonstrating your child’s next developmental milestone.

While these have not yet been published, you can be the first to know when they are. If you're interested in knowing more about these picture books or would like to be notified of publication dates, please add your details to the sign up form below.
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